55-40-00  RUDDER Back

  1. General

  2. The rudder and tab control the aircraft in the yaw axis. The rudder and tab assembly has these primary sub-assemblies:
    • The rudder
    • The tab

  3. Component Description and Operation (Ref. Fig. 1)

    • Rudder
      - The rudder is an aluminum-alloy assembly with a fiber-glass tip-fairing. The rudder has a front spar, a two-part rear spar and a sub-spar which are connected by rib assemblies. The skin of the rudder is attached to the structure with rivets.

    • Tab
      - The tab has rib-assemblies, attached to the front spar with rivets. The skin of the tab is riveted in the primary areas of the structure and bonded in other areas. Doublers give more strength to the skin.

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